Quintes Lindsay Wilson was born February 9, 1918 in Ogden Utah. My dad and his brothers decided to throw him a party. GQ did not want presents or even a cake! He wanted friends, family and cookies and Ice cream! So, being 90 yrs old, he got it!!! We rushed home after work to get the kids and took them over to GQ's house in West Valley. We got to visit and see him so happy and full of life! It was cool! He is doing a memory book and we were able to read some things from the book. I learned that his built his first home. Awesome!! He and Grandma Alda slept under the stars for a while because they did not have a roof! A little romantic, until it rains!! He is very handy and crafty. Loves taking care of others, helping in every way and will do ANYTHING for anyone!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH!! Gabers told me that he had a new girlfriend too. He told me that a pretty lady was there and that he told her that she looked beautiful and that she looked good today. I found out later that the pretty lady was Grandma Golda's granddaughter. What a love muffin! Randa hung out with the other older kids and kept asking to play GQ's WII. She got over it after we brought out the Ice cream! Bodie was cute as always. Giving loves and kisses and giving bones to everyone. We had to leave after realizing it was bed time and the kids were so bummed! We gave loves to everyone and time to go! We had a good time and I'm glad we were able to see everyone too. I sure hope we can have a little bit longer to enjoy and bet with GQ. We love him so much!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GQ!!!!
Rajah at the Park
9 years ago
So Shawna is he your moms dad or your dads dad? Any way it looks like you had lots of fun, he is so cute. I love old people:) By the way the march header I have on my blog, was not my doing. It was Emily, she is so talented. Love you Guys!
OH! I love our Grandpa. Thanks for posting the pics of the party I missed! I am so home sick! Cant wait to come up!
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